The 100th day of the 1000 Bright Minds Chess Simul

The 100th day of the 1000 Bright Minds Chess Simul

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I am Attila Turzo, an International Chess Master, and I organize and run the event called the 1000 Bright Minds Chess Simul, in which I play with 1000 players simultaneously on 1000 boards.

Thank you very much to the staff and owners of for making available their platform for holding the 1000 Bright Minds Chess Simul, and for supporting the event. Thank You dear players for accepting the challenge and giving your best in the first 100 days of the 1000 Bright Minds Chess Simul.

Some numbers about the simul:

1000 games started on the 11th of January in 2012 and 8 more games started when 8 games finished and 8 boards became available for new players.

673 games finished within the first 100 days.

541 games (80%) were won by Attila Turzo 

16 games (3%) were drawn.

116 games (17%) were won by the challengers.

335 games are still running.

I made a long research (many games to consider!) to find the best game played to this point, to share with you. I found a game where interesting attacking and counter-attacking ideas were used. My opponent was Peter Holúbek from Slovakia.

I hope you enjoyed the explanations to that game!

New players can join the simul on the boards where the first game has finished. 665 boards are available, 665 new player can join the event.

The first 1000 players participated in this event for free, but to take up one of the empty boards, there is now an entry fee of 10 dollars.

You can buy your ticket through my coaching products page: and then we can start our game immediately!

I wish the best luck to the 335 players who are still playing their first game and I invite all other players to join and be part of the 1000 Bright Minds Chess Simul.